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Are you still updating this game? I am very curious as this is very fun. I am curious of a possible issue with the enemies stopping after about 900-1000 turns.

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Hi, yes the game is still being updated :).  Currently the enemies waves are only scripted to turn 1000.  Check back on Friday for a new release with a new enemy and more levels.

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Game legit crashed after 885 turns, also the shield is OP and mana seems like a system that could of used more things to use it on but otherwise good

Did it lock up?  I've been trying to track down that bug for a while, thought I'd fixed it.  Thanks for the heads up, its very hard to reproduce, I'll take another look at it.  Thanks for checking it out!

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it happens when i try to maximize the slice swords I have

edit: will try to send a picture of what shows up

Took me a few tries to figure out the not-dying-to-zombies strategy! Then a wraith destroyed me :(

But it’s a cute game that plays well and kept me engaged enough to want to try again and again. Nice work!